Supplies you will need motor 9v battery pen hot glue paper clip thumbtack sterilized needle tattoo ink wire sewing button follow me on in.... Autoplay when autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. up next how to make a home-made mini tattoo gun / tattoo machine - duration: 5:42.. How to make a tattoo machine with your own hands? you need: gel-ink pen with the refill, guitar string, motor from a player with the plastic roller, wires, power supply module..
#make #tattoo# machine at#home simple easy fast with small dc motor , ,new latest ,mesin tato make at home needle changing tattoo machine || pen tattoo https:. Subcribe to get more ! household sharing included. live tv from 60+ channels. no cable box required.. Somewhere in between prison tats and a professional tattoo gun, comes the tattoo machine in this how-to video. you will need a tape deck motor, a stereo fly wheel, a 12 volt charger with different settings, a bobby pin hair clip, a brace, a wide pen, and a screw..